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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Timeless Fall-time Makeup Color Tips

Fall is a fabulous time for transitions. We put away our summer clothes and break out the wardrobe that is full of lush fabrics, vibrant colors, and steeped in warmth. As you change your wardrobe to match the fall season, be sure to do the same for your makeup as well!

For example, in the summer, we use loads of bronzers, bright pink lipsticks, and colors that tend to be more natural, giving an on-the-go look that tells others you are ready to play. However, as fall is upon us, we find outfits and makeup that is a bit more festive, reminding us of the holiday season.

As you wear various fall time colors like burgundy, deep blue, evergreen, red, brown, and black, be sure that your makeup matches. For example, you would never wear the summer’s bright pink lipstick with a deep blue outfit. You’ll look absolutely classy if you keep your lipstick in the same family shade as the color you are wearing.

Avoid looking garish when jumping into fall by wearing lipstick that isn’t too dark. You can wear a dark lipstick as long as you lighten it up with a light colored lipgloss, or go over it with an intensity controller lipstick (usually a light neutral shade).

What lipstick shades are best for fall time? You can never go wrong with a berry lipstick. They are full of color and look absolutely mouthwatering, especially if the lipstick shade matches what you are wearing (except for brown, blue, and black, of course!) Just remember this: the darker the lipstick shade, the thinner your lips will look. If you have nice full lips, you don’t have to worry about this. However, if your lips are thin and more hidden, be sure to wear a lighter lip shade.

Don’t forget your eyes: As you use fun eye shadows that are vibrant in color, be sure to use those colors as an accent instead of spreading them across your whole eye. Colors are fun to play in, but when used too much, you instantly age yourself.

Be careful of trendy makeup, the kind that requires harsh lines and too much color that is well-suited for the runway, but not when stepping out to your driveway. Go for a well-blended, soft look instead. Remember, makeup is supposed to accent your features, not become them.

Last of all, have fun with your makeup and don’t be afraid to experiment - but don’t save the experimenting to an hour before going out to a big event!

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