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Monday, June 28, 2010

Welcome Summer, Hello Sunscreen!

Hello Summertime, Hello Sun, Hello Sunburns and Wrinkles!

It seems like I have been waiting FOREVER for it to get here! Now that it is toasty, I'm ready for fall.

In the meantime, while you are cramming every minute with fun summertime activities, here are a few tips to keep your skin perfect during the summer months and avoid sunburns which eventually lead to premature wrinkles!

1. Wear your sunscreen! Did you know that it takes about 1/2 an hour after application for sunscreen to work? That means, if you squirt on sunscreen just before you head outside, you'll get a good half hour of sun damage before your sunscreen is effective. This alone gets many people into trouble.

How often to you hear others say that their sunscreen is "no good" and doesn't work? Now you know the reason why - user error and lack of info on when to apply sunscreen. Reapplying sunscreen is minimally effective unless the previous layer has been washed off (via swimming for 1-2 hours or showering, etc.).

Did you know that an SPF of 30 is as strong as you really need? Anything higher doesn't give you a proportional amount of extra protection. (maybe 1-4% extra protection - not very much). Be sure the sunscreen protects against UVA and UVB rays.

What provides the best protection is the amount you apply. If you are really stingy and barely cover your skin, your protection is significantly less. Be sure to apply an adequate amount the first time. Also, wearing lotion under your sunscreen is a no-no! Sunscreen has to be right on your skin to be perfectly effective.

2. Wear a well-ventilated broad brimmed hat. I especially love this one - how often do you forget to apply sunscreen to your ears? Withoug, at the end of a hot day outdoors, they look like fried pork rinds. Baseball hats help your crown from getting scorched, but are insufficient in covering your ears.

3. What fries first? Ears, nose, shoulders, front of thighs just above the knees, and calves if you are walking around.

4. Stay Hydrated - stay away from sodas. The extra sodium can dehydrate you and wear you out! Stick with juices, non-sugar drinks, and water!

5. Going swimming? The most intense hours of the sun are from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This is when most of us want a cool dip in the water. If you are going to be in the water a long time, consider more practical swimwear: shirts and shorts. I'm not talking about t-shirts either. There are many swimshirts and boardshorts available that are fashionable. You'll get more protection from the sun, and you won't be constantly tugging your one-piece into place or making sure your bikini is staying in place!

I'll post more ideas as I think of them that will keep you in the sun without the sun damaging you!

Subscribe to our Zap Wrinkles Blemish Free Skin Newsletter and get the Free Skin Care Guide by submitting your info to the right. Your info is always kept confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties...ever!

Remember, take care of your skin because your face is the first thing people see!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Too Much Makeup - Very Unflattering

I have an issue with how some ladies apply their makeup. I know I am not perfect, but I have always felt the following:

1) Less is best - unless you are in a formal gown at a night event - then go ahead and make your makeup as garish as the evening allows. Do the works: thick eyeliner, 3 coats of mascara, and loads of dark lipstick and eyeshadow!

2) Natural is better - especially for every day use. Makeup should enhance what you already have - not diminish it or make you look highly unnatural.

Here is a good key to go by: would people shrink back from horror when they sight you without your makeup? If so your colors are wrong, your makeup is on too thick, could be one of those unfortunate women who have no features. You know...white eye lashes and eyebrows that need color to show others you actually have them.

I want to hand some ladies my business card with a gentle suggestion that they might want to update their cosmetic look. The one look that annoys me most is when fair skinned ladies use pale, metalic, colorless cosmetics on their face. This combo is really more flattering on ladies of color. To make a pale lady look more pale is just wrong.

The same goes for ladies of color: to add the same coloring that you already have is just wrong. You know, wearing bronze lipstick when your skin tone happens to be a beautiful bronze.

That's enough ranting for now. I'm thinking of compiling a cheat sheet of what color cosmetics look good on which skin tones. Mmmm - that's a thought.

Remember to Subscribe to our Zap Wrinkles Blemish Free Skin Newsletter and get the Free Skin Care Guide by submitting your info to the right. Your info is always kept confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties...ever!

Take care of your skin because your face is the first thing people see!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Microdermabrasion - My Favorite Skin Care Product

Many of my clients have asked me what is my absolute favorite skin care product. Well, for this week, I would have to give a shout-out to MICRODERBABRASION!

"My beloved Skin Care, don't feel like I am betraying you. I love the gentle cleansing I receive from you each day, along with the age-fighting benefits and moisturizers, but I do admit that I grow bored of you sometimes."

I love how I can use Microdermabrasion at home, 1-2 times a week and feel like my skin is drastically rejuvinated. I love using it in the shower because it only takes me a minute, and the misting of the shower's water helps keep my face moist so as I don't run out of water as I rub in the exfoliating crystals (which is the biggest cause of getting too rough with your home microdermabrasion kit - hence, red irritated skin).

For those of you who are naughty and only use Microdermabrasion...Shame on you! Though your daily skin care routine might get to be redundant, it is still essential to a healthy, glowing look. It just sometimes lacks the "WOW" factor and punch that Microdermabrasion flamboyantly displays.

Now, granted, there is more you need to do to take care of your skin - so Subscribe to our Zap Wrinkles Blemish Free Skin Newsletter and get the Free Skin Care Guide by submitting your info to the right. Your info is always kept confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties...ever!

Remember, take care of your skin because your face is the first thing people see!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Top 5 Microdermabrasion Benefits

Microdermabrasion benefits have captivated many users, and may have even made them MDA addicts! If you haven’t ever tried microdermabrasion, it is probably because you don’t know what it is and what it can do for you. You can have it done professionally (at a spa or dermatologists office), or you can opt to use a home microdermabrasion kit.

Microdermabrasion usually consists of two steps. The first is the scrubbing crystals (aluminum oxide), the second is a replenishing serum designed to help restore nutrients and moisture to your skin.

In a nutshell, microdermabrasion sloughs off the very topmost, tough layer of skin. The theory is that as the top layer of skin is removed, the body thinks damage has been done and kicks in a response to replace that layer as quickly as possible, producing healthy skin cells to replace the ones just removed.

The results and best benefits of using microdermabrasion include:

1. Glowing skin – with that top layer of dull, toughened skin gone, the newer skin underneath is revealed, making your skin look fresher and more vibrant.

2. Soft skin – with the toughened layer of skin removed, moisturizers are more easily able to penetrate the skin, helping to soften it.

3. Reduced scarring – It has been shown that long-term, consistent use of microdermabrasion can reduce the signs of scarring caused by acne or other blemishes. It is theorized that the skin works overtime in speeding up healthy cells to the surface of the skin, removing blemishes over time.

4. Smoother skin – due to the scrubbing action of the aluminum oxide crystals, the bumpy texture on skin is smoothed out, helping to greatly eliminate rough skin.

5. Reduction of fine lines – again, the scrubbing action removes that top layer of skin, helping those fine lines disappear over time.

To learn more about microdermabrasion and other secrets to care for your skin, Subscribe to our Zap Wrinkles Blemish Free Skin Newsletter and get the Free Skin Care Guide by submitting your info to the right. Your info is always kept confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties...ever!

Remember, take care of your skin because your face is the first thing people see!