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Monday, June 7, 2010

Top 5 Microdermabrasion Benefits

Microdermabrasion benefits have captivated many users, and may have even made them MDA addicts! If you haven’t ever tried microdermabrasion, it is probably because you don’t know what it is and what it can do for you. You can have it done professionally (at a spa or dermatologists office), or you can opt to use a home microdermabrasion kit.

Microdermabrasion usually consists of two steps. The first is the scrubbing crystals (aluminum oxide), the second is a replenishing serum designed to help restore nutrients and moisture to your skin.

In a nutshell, microdermabrasion sloughs off the very topmost, tough layer of skin. The theory is that as the top layer of skin is removed, the body thinks damage has been done and kicks in a response to replace that layer as quickly as possible, producing healthy skin cells to replace the ones just removed.

The results and best benefits of using microdermabrasion include:

1. Glowing skin – with that top layer of dull, toughened skin gone, the newer skin underneath is revealed, making your skin look fresher and more vibrant.

2. Soft skin – with the toughened layer of skin removed, moisturizers are more easily able to penetrate the skin, helping to soften it.

3. Reduced scarring – It has been shown that long-term, consistent use of microdermabrasion can reduce the signs of scarring caused by acne or other blemishes. It is theorized that the skin works overtime in speeding up healthy cells to the surface of the skin, removing blemishes over time.

4. Smoother skin – due to the scrubbing action of the aluminum oxide crystals, the bumpy texture on skin is smoothed out, helping to greatly eliminate rough skin.

5. Reduction of fine lines – again, the scrubbing action removes that top layer of skin, helping those fine lines disappear over time.

To learn more about microdermabrasion and other secrets to care for your skin, Subscribe to our Zap Wrinkles Blemish Free Skin Newsletter and get the Free Skin Care Guide by submitting your info to the right. Your info is always kept confidential and is never shared with 3rd parties...ever!

Remember, take care of your skin because your face is the first thing people see!

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